Seminar by Harbir Antil


Harbir Antil (George Mason University)


Adaptive Randomized Sketching for Dynamic Nonsmooth Optimization


  • April 11, 2023 16:00 CEST+0200 (Europe/Rome)

  • April 11, 2023 10:00 EDT-0400 (US/Eastern)

  • April 11, 2023 09:00 CDT-0500 (US/Central)

  • April 11, 2023 07:00 PDT-0700 (US/Pacific)


Dynamic optimization problems arise in many applications including optimal flow control, full waveform inversion, and medical imaging, where they are plagued by significant computational challenges. For example, memory is often a limiting factor on the size of problems one can solve since the evaluation of derivatives requires the entire state trajectory. Additionally, many applications employ nonsmooth regularizers such as the \(L^1\)-norm or the total variation as well as auxiliary constraints on the optimization variables. In this talk, we introduce a novel trust-region algorithm for minimizing the sum of a smooth, nonconvex function and a nonsmooth, convex function that addresses these two challenges. Our algorithm employs randomized sketching to store a compressed version of the state trajectory for use in derivative computations. By allowing the trust-region algorithm to adaptively learn the rank of the state sketch, we arrive at a provably convergent method with near optimal memory requirements. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on a parabolic PDE-constrained optimization problem with measure-valued control variables.