Past seminars
Alessandro Veneziani, “The role of Mathematical Models and Model Reduction in the Design of Coronary Stents” , 2024-05-07.
Irina Tezaur, “Rigorous component-based coupling of first-principles and data-driven models” , 2024-04-30.
Simona Perotto, “Hierarchical model reduction: background, applications, recent progress, and future directions” , 2024-04-23.
Martin Grepl, “Reduced Order Model Predictive Control for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations” , 2024-04-16.
Samuele Rubino, “Reduced order modeling for Navier-Stokes time-splitting methods with open boundary conditions” , 2024-04-09.
Enrique Delgado Ávila, “A posteriori error estimators for the Greedy algorithm in Reduced Basis Method” , 2024-04-02.
Kathrin Smetana, “Model order reduction for seismic applications” , 2024-03-26.
Fei Lu, “Adaptive RKHS regularization for ill-posed linear inverse problems” , 2024-03-19.
Angelo Iollo, “Convex Displacement Interpolation for Parametric Fields” , 2024-03-12.
Benjamin Peherstorfer, “Neural Galerkin schemes for model reduction of transport-dominated problems”, 2024-03-05.
Fatma Güler Eroğlu, “Reduced order modelling for multiphysics problems” , 2024-02-27.
Ping-Hsuan Tsai, “A Time-Relaxation Reduced Order Model for the Turbulent Channel Flow” , 2024-02-20.
Virginie Ehrlacher, “Nonlinear reduced basis methods using optimal transport in electronic structure calculations” , 2024-02-13.
Youngsoo Choi, “Physics-guided & interpretable data-driven simulations” , 2024-02-06.
Francesco Ballarin, “Regularized reduced order models for control of Navier-Stokes equations” , 2024-01-30.
Stefan Volkwein, “Adaptive Reduced-Order Schemes in Optimal Design and Control” , 2024-01-23.
Jiahua Jiang, “Hybrid Projection Methods for Solution Decomposition in Large-scale Bayesian Inverse Problems” , 2023-12-12.
Maxim Olshanskii, “A tensor POD-ROM for parameter dependent dynamical systems” , 2023-12-05.
Honghu Liu, “Galerkin Approximations of Nonlinear DDEs: Convergence Analysis and Applications to Noise-Driven Chaos” , 2023-11-28.
Akil Narayan, “Estimates for Hankel singular value decay of stable dynamical systems” , 2023-11-21.
Cecilia Pagliantini, “Structure-preserving nonlinear model order reduction of parametric Hamiltonian systems” , 2023-11-14.
Ricardo Reyes, “The Frequency Reduced Basis method, the Laplace transform and Reduced Order Models for time-dependent problems” , 2023-11-07.
Nan Chen, “Stochastic and Statistical Reduced-Order Models” , 2023-10-31.
Mattia Manucci, “Contour Integral Methods and Eigenvalues approximation for projection MOR” , 2023-10-24.
Xiantao Li, “Reduced-order modeling techniques in computational chemistry” , 2023-10-17.
Anthony Gruber, “Property-preserving model reduction for conservative and dissipative systems” , 2023-10-10.
Gianluigi Rozza, “Reduced Order Modelling in Computational Fluid Dynamics: state of the art, challenges and perspectives” , 2023-10-02.
Yvon Maday, “Nonlinear compressive reduced basis approximation for PDE’s” , 2023-05-23.
Yanlai Chen, “GPT-PINN: Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs” , 2023-05-16.
Mejdi Azaiez, “An intrinsic PGD for parametric symmetric elliptic problems” , 2023-05-09.
Michael Hinze, “The reduced basis method with error equivalence for constrained optimal control with PDEs” , 2023-05-02.
Nicole Aretz, “Reduced Basis Approximation for Variational Data Assimilation under Model Uncertainty” , 2023-04-25.
Mario Ohlberger, “Model Reduction and Learning for PDE Constrained Optimization” , 2023-04-18.
Harbir Antil, “Adaptive Randomized Sketching for Dynamic Nonsmooth Optimization”, 2023-04-11.
Federico Pichi, “Projection-based and data-driven reduced order models for parametric bifurcation problems” , 2023-04-04.
Tommaso Taddei, “One-shot domain-decomposition methods for component-based model order reduction” , 2023-03-28.
Julia Novo, “Robust bounds for Proper Orthogonal Decomposition methods applied to the Navier Stokes equations” , 2023-03-21.
Karsten Urban, “A reduced basis method for the Schrödinger equation” , 2023-03-14.
Ramon Codina, “Stabilization and accuracy enhancement using artificial neural networks for reduced order models in flow problems” , 2023-03-07.
Volker John, “A SUPG-stabilized POD-ROM method for convection-diffusion-reaction problems” , 2023-02-28.
Masayuki Yano, “Model reduction of parametrized aerodynamics problems: error estimation, adaptivity, and nonlinear approximations” , 2023-02-21.
John Singler, “Data approximation capability of proper orthogonal decomposition” , 2023-02-14.
Tomás Chacón Rebollo, “Some techniques for the stabilisation of the pressure discretization in Reduced Order Models of incompressible fluids” , 2023-02-07.
Traian Iliescu, “Regularized Reduced Order Models (Reg-ROMs) for Turbulent Flows” , 2023-01-31.